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The Science

Sahara Dry contains super hydrophobic material that repels water,to create amazing grip.


The super hydrophobic material on the surface of the skin settles in the channels and wrinkles, creating an extremely rough surface at the nano particle level. This stops liquid settling, forcing it to the surface of the ridges, from where it evaporates or flows away from. 


Sahara Dry is better than other grip solutions as they are hydrophilic, or absorb water.  Therefore, Sahara Dry 

  • last longer

  • act instantly

  • easy to use

  • no residue

  • no inconsistent stickiness


Does Sahara Dry Stop Sweat?

Sahara Dry does not stop sweat, it removes sweat. This is more effective than anti-perspirants (stop sweat) or hydrophilic agents (absorb sweat).


How Does Sahara Dry Remove Sweat?

Sahara Dry creates a very rough surface at a nano particle level on the hand, especially in the wrinkles and channels. Sweat is created by pores, and combines in the wrinkles or channels to form noticeable droplets. Sahara Dry stops this happening, and instead forces the small particles of sweat on to the ridges. These ridges are exposed, so the sweat evaporates quickly or is removed by contact. 


Sahara Dry Racket Sports also has a sweat reducing agent, which will reduce sweat and odor. This double action means that you will sweat less and what is produced will dry much faster. 


Does Sahara Dry Last Longer than Other Drying Products?

Yes, because Sahara Dry contains super-hydrophobic materials, which repel and remove sweat rather than absorbing it. Hydrophilic materials absorb water or sweat, and every droplet it encounters will reduce its capacity and ability to absorb sweat in the future. Sahara Dry works differently, repelling the sweat, so its capacity is not reduced, creating consistent performance until it is removed by soap and water.


How Long Will Sahara Dry Last?

Every situation, hand, and application is different, so exact times are impossible to put forward. However, we can catergorically state it will last longer than every other product on the market if applied properly because of scientifc principles.


How Do You Remove Sahara Dry?

Water alone will not remove Sahara Dry. You must use soap and water, or cleaning alcohol. If you use the balm, it is recommended you use a wash cloth as that is more effective.


Will my Hands or Equipment be Damaged?

No, Sahara Dry is produced in approved laboratories and uses materials used in a number of other cosmetic and industrial uses. Silica is inert and derived from sand, alcohol evaporates quickly. If you are not allergic to silica or alcohol and remove after use with soap and water you will not have any problems. 




Sahara Dry is manufactured in an FDA approved factory and is awaiting FDA approval. The materials used in Sahara Dry are used in numerous hand sprays and cosmetics.



Do not use near eyes or mouth

Do not use on areas with cuts or abrasions

Do not swallow. Seek immediate medical help if so.

Do not inhale deeply immediately after application.



Sahara Dry Racket Sports contains materials which can corrode steel and other metals. Therefore, this product is not recommended for golf, pole dancing, or E-Sports. Please use the product created for your sport.​


Sahara Dry E-Sports can be sprayed directly onto your controller. However, please note it contains dust, so it can affect your device if used over a long period and the fans are not cleaned. 



Sahara Dry is super hydrophobic so can only be removed with soap and water. Water alone will not remove it as it repels water.

Sahara Dry creates a super hydrophobic surface at the nano particle level

Super Hydrophobicity explained.

Sahara Dry's super hydrophobicity illustrated.

More detail and science.

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